OpenPlant Synthetic Biology Research Centre

OpenPlant is a collaborative research initiative between the University of Cambridge, The John Innes Centre and the Earlham Institute.
Our goal is to use synthetic biology for the improvement of sustainable agriculture and conservation in three key areas:


Our activities include research and development, as well as outreach and exchange. Core areas of interest include: developing new technologies, creating new open standards and open-access tools, and supporting global innovation for development of an equitable and sustainable bioeconomy.


OpenPlant supports research in two main areas: developing open tools and technologies and engineering new plant traits and products. Our research activities span a broad range of topics within these areas and have lead to several key achievements including:


In addition to cutting-edge research and technology, OpenPlant aims to promote responsible research and innovation, the equitable sharing of knowledge and the education and training of future generations. Key successes have included:

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